“On the Fifth Day of Christmas…”

Fifth Day already? You mean we’re already almost halfway through the Twelve Days of Christmas? Well, then it’s past high time I gave heartfelt thanks to fellow writers who brightened the blogosphere with their festive images and words all this past month. Thank-you! I hope that all of you, readers and writers, enjoyed a time of love and peace in your own personal spheres! Continue reading

Laughter, Seriously

IMG_9678_Laughter_500I accomplished an archaeological dig through the stuff on my desk this week, and found this treasure: “Laughter is God’s hand on the shoulder of a troubled world.”

My sister had given me this little mini-plaque a long time ago. I had stuck it on the front of the wooden box that holds my scissors and hole punches, handy to look at anytime. No surprise, it’s always there; but suddenly, today, I SAW it! And, with my mind almost as clear as my desk, it got me thinking. Continue reading