“Them’s the facts, ma’am; however…”

SwansI was torn about publishing this particular post, until a certain little voice said, “What are you afraid of? Go ahead, keep it to yourself if you like, but remember, you can’t help anyone else unless you let an open, loving heart prevail a little over that closed, fearful mind…”

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My Introduction to “Expressive Arts Therapy”

Mindset-Amazon6x9-2014-BookAntiqua-ArtTherapyP47_cropThis post has been simmering for a long time… Heartfelt thanks to blogger Maria Holm of Health from One Heart to Another for encouraging me to write a post about my experience with this therapy, as a patient, and for her patience in finally getting this response. Maria was a public health care practitioner; she has a big heart for people, loves the arts, travel, and has many other interests too, as you’ll see from her blog.

I hope this post will encourage you to embrace creative activities as natural and essential to your daily life!

What is “Expressive Arts Therapy” anyway? By definition, all the arts are expressive, but what makes them “therapy”? Continue reading

“On the Fifth Day of Christmas…”

Fifth Day already? You mean we’re already almost halfway through the Twelve Days of Christmas? Well, then it’s past high time I gave heartfelt thanks to fellow writers who brightened the blogosphere with their festive images and words all this past month. Thank-you! I hope that all of you, readers and writers, enjoyed a time of love and peace in your own personal spheres! Continue reading

C is for …

C is for Clutter Creativity

Can you have both clutter AND creativity at the same time, or do you have to choose between clutter OR creativity? Drive yourself crazy trying to find consensus in scientific or popular commentaries on the internet, then find out what’s right for you!

Old Mother Hubbard - Detail of Wikipedia image (Public Domain)

Old Mother Hubbard – Detail of Wikipedia image (Public Domain)

I concede that, as much as I cringe at the thought of filing papers, I complete more creative goals when my desks are clutter-free (once I’ve recovered from the awe-inspiring, bright sight of empty work surfaces, with my writing and painting tools handy in tidy containers).

Alluding publicly (on my “About” page, no less) to my lofty intention to “downsize clutter,” I must have wanted, subconsciously, to be held accountable for achieving that goal. (On the other hand, it’s also possible Continue reading